What to consider when picking a web host

web host
Wikipedia defines Web hosts as: companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center.

When it comes to blogging getting a web host is one sure way of getting full control over your site. This is why it is always to move form having a .wordpress.com or .blogspot.com blog.The web hosting service you use on your websites matter a lot. It is the key to your website being successful or failing. You therefore need to think long and hard before making a decision.

Here are few things you need to consider before choosing the right web hosting for your sites.

Cost: Money will always affect what you do to your website. It is advisable to get an affordable web host that will deliver quality work worth the amount you pay them. In Kenya, web hosting runs from as little as Kshs. 3,000 per year depending on who you talk to. Weigh the options of each cost and see who is giving you a better deal for the money you pay.

Downtime issues: Having your site down is never a good thing. You have to pick a web host who will guarantee you blog will be up and running at all times. If you constantly have to call them and complain about your site being down, you should change your web host.

Bandwidth: Your web hosting server bandwidth matters a lot in making your site performance better. Bandwidth is defined as the amount of data transmitted through the website at one time. There are many web hosting services now offering unlimited band width to their users, so make sure to check the band width offered by your desired web host. Your web host should be able to handle the amount of data you are sending without the site crashing or having issues.

Support: When your site gets hacked or if your files go missing, you will be left only with one thing, contacting your support. Your web host should be able to respond in time. Get a web host who cares about their customers and will be there when things go wrong.

  1. Great points Lulu. But one important thing to be always considered is support. You don’t want a company that can’t help you fast enough when something goes wrong or something good happens (like an influx of traffic that requires you to upgrade to a better package to ensure all those people coming to your site, find it and are able to quickly access the sections they are interested in).

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  3. How do I change my host to let’s say WordPress? I am hosted by an individual company and I think I would want a better host. Or would you advice a local company that is reliable?

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