How to get twitter followers for free


Some people say having more followers on twitter is not important. What matters is your influence to the followers you have. This might be true, but the reality is if you hope to ever earn money from being on twitter, you need a large following.

Getting more Twitter followers is actually very easy because a lot of people will automatically follow you back when you follow them. However, you don’t want just any Twitter followers, you want relevant ones who will help you grow your business. You could buy followers but it’s not a good idea as you will get bots and your influence will go down meaning you still won’t be hired for online campaigns,

Here are some tips and tools on how to get Twitter followers for free.

Tweet using relevant hashtags

Not every hashtag is worth you paying attention to or being involved in. you should monitor the conversations going on and see which hashtags will be best suited to include in your tweets. If you share relevant information to the hashtag, people who follow the conversation might follow you. The secret is to use hashtags relevant to your areas of expertise so you can cultivate followers you can relate to.

Join in on Tweetchats

Tweetchats are Twitter conversations on a particular topic at a specific time/date.  For example, Chase Bank has Chase Debate and anyone can join in and be part of it even if they are not customers of the bank. You should keep an eye out for such conversations and join in to be part of the fun.

Tweetchats give you an opportunity to relate to people and cultivate a relationship that might lead to them following you. Ask questions and respond to questions during the chat. The more active you are, the more people will notice you and follow you.

 Follow relevant people

If you do some work and identify the correct people to follow, you’ll get followers back.  Check your followers on a daily basis, if they are relevant to your business or interests, follow them back. Look for people who you will have meaningful conversations with and will not get irritated by and follow them. If you start a relationship with them, they will follow back and might even recommend their followers to do the same.

Tweet great content regularly

To build up Twitter followers, you need to be consistent and tweet regularly.  If you perform any of the actions above but never actually tweet, you’re not going to get very far!

The best strategy for tweeting regularly is the following:

  1. Build up a queue of tweets – Use tools such as Buffer, Hootsuite or Sprout Social to queue tweets to be sent out.  When you are reading content and find something great to share, there is no point in sending everything out all at the same time.  Scheduling your tweets will give you a regular stream of tweets and people will notice you online and click the follow button.
  2. Start conversations – Discuss a topic that is bound to generate interest in anyone who sees it. You could ask for help from your audience. Those who pick it up become interested in following you for always generating interesting conversation.

The size of your twitter followers does not matter, what is more important is having quality followers. These few tips should help you get those quality followers. Build your following strategically, deliver great content and you are set to be an influencer and possible start earning money for being on twitter.

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