What to consider when choosing a blog theme


When you start blogging, a lot of your focus goes into what you should write. You spend most of your time deciding on the topics and words you need to post. You think about how often to post and wondering how to phrase it for a certain audience. The assumption is that the content is all that matters.

This assumption is true for the most part. But there is more to blogging than just the content. You have to think of your blog layout, the font sizes and how the blog looks and feels to your audience. This all boils down to the theme you pick. The theme of your site can have an impact on how the audience will receive your blog.

The theme of a blog is everything from the colour scheme of the background, to the font colour to the choice of text. It also includes the style of the layout. The theme is basically the appearance of the blog.

Picking a theme is no easy fete. The good looking themes are not always the best. This raises the question of what a great theme entails. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind as you search for a theme


A good theme needs to be responsive. Particularly on the mobile version. Does the theme you want allow you to use on your mobile device? It should be one that willload all images on the page and have the menus open on mobile at all times. If the theme cannot respond to queries from a mobile device it’s not advisable to go for it. Most people access blogs on mobile, your theme should cater to this large audience


How easy is it to scroll through the page/? Are you able to access all menu option without too much work going into the process? A good theme should allow anyone and everyone to comfortably navigate the blog. They should be able to see where the share buttons are, where the comment section is and know how to access post sin your archives. Avoid any theme that seems too complex to navigate as it will make people avoid reading your blog.


Ask yourself how easy is it to customise the blog? DO you need to know coding to do it or is it simple? Some themes allow you to simply customise form the theme options. Others will need you to delve into the code to do so. Unless you plan on having someone else customise it (which might cost you) it is advisable to get themes that can be customised in simple ways regardless of your coding knowledge.

Advertising slot

If you plan on making money form your blog, advertising space is one important thing you need on your blog. Always look for themes that come with the space either as a header or on the sidebar. IT could be a headache if someone wants to buy space and the them won’t allow you to put up any banners.

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