Apply now for incubation at the Nailab

Nailab has opened application process for the 5th group of incubates. Nailab aims to nurture and support young entrepreneurs with business ideas that are based on technology as an enabler. The 4th incubates are just about to complete their term and it has been a great run for them. So far about 30 start ups have been incubated by Nailab including Sokotext, Clad Light, Keja Hunt, Sematime, Cardplanet and Ukall.

Most of the start-ups incubated are still operational and are making news as they breakthrough the business world. Ukall just receive investment from Accion Venture Lab and Cardplanet has just been accepted into the 500 Startups 4 month accelerator program.

It’s now that time when the Nailab team opens doors to welcome in a new batch of incubates. You can get to be a part of the next season by simply going here to and submitting your application.

Any business is legible for application. The solutions/ business however need to building based on technology as the enabler. You can have a hardware idea implemented by software. As long as your business idea needs to be implanted by means of technology, you have a shot at making the cut.
Some tips for successful application are:
• Avoid marketing jargon that borders on overselling your product.
• Avoid statements like “we are the best” and “ We don’t face any competition”. Instead explain why you feel that you are the best. What makes your product unique to qualify it as the best?
• Let your message convey something. Remember that a panel of judges will read your application and you are competing for a slot at incubation. The only weapon you have is your words, use them wisely.
• Ensure to include a prototype to your business

Successful applicants will start the program in the month of January 2015 through to June 2015.
Most successful businesses start as a start-up, Nailab is giving you a chance to grow your ideas and be successful. Apply now for that opportunity.

The deadline for application is 21st November 2014.