Learn About BBC’s Transformational Digital Challenges

BBC WorldOn Tuesday 3rd February, 2015 from 1700hrs, the BBC will be hosting a discussion where you can learn about the transformational digital challenges the BBC faces and how it adapts its output to meet the new expectations from the audience; learn about the new editorial initiatives and questions those who take on how the BBC’s African stories are told to the African audience. The venue is 9 West, 7th Floor, Mkungu Close, Nairobi and you’re invited.

There will be a panel discussion with Jonathan Chapman, BBC Nairobi Bureaux Editor; Miriam Quasah, BBC Africa Digital Editor; and Dimitry Shishkin, BBC World Service Group Digital Development Editor responsible for the recent launch of Africa edition of bbc.com homepage.

The discussion will be hosted and moderated by Michael Meyer, Dean of the Aga Khan University Graduate School of media and communication.

Peter Horrocks, the former Director of BBC World Service Group will also be speaking about his experience in leading the media organization.

Places are limited. For media enquiries and interview requests, please contact [email protected]

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