On the 24th of April, BAKE trainers will be in Nakuru town for a training workshop on Blogging & Social Media. The half day training will be held at the Kenya National Library Services Nakuru branch in the American Corner starting from 9am to 2pm.
The Free half day training is targeted at Nakuru residents drawing from the youth, government & non-government based organisation as well as the business community. There will be three training sessions with a beginners’ course on blogging & Social media, how to become a better blogger and a session on public participation with the Local County government.
The sessions will include hands on training on using tools and online platforms such as word Press, twitter, and analytics as well a discussion on the importance of responsible blogging, understanding copyright and Social media ethics.
The training will coincide with the launch of the Jukumu Letu Nakuru Campaign which will be held on Saturday 25th at the Nyayo Gardens. During the training, the participants shall be trained on how to better engage their local County government and how Social Media has become an ideal platform for public participation.
The BAKE team of trainers shall be made up of Kennedy Kachwanya, ShitemiKhamadi and Njeri Wangari.
The team shall also provide live updates of the training using the hashtag #BAKETraining as well as live updates of the JukumuLetu launch using #JukumuLetu