Kenyans Disappointed by Media Coverage Of GES2015 Summit


The media coverage of the just concluded Global Entrepreneurship Summit has been scrutinized and thoroughly criticized by a section of Kenyans for focusing on what most have termed as ‘sideshows’ as opposed to the core issues that were being addressed during the summit.

The GES summit which was held in the United Nations complex in Gigiri, Nairobi was a two day event that saw the convergence of entrepreneurs in various stages of business development. The gathering aimed to nurture entrepreneurship all over the globe. It brought together business investors, mentors and government officials all who had the keen interest of fostering Entrepreneurship.

The local media started airing events leading to the GES opening, from the arrival of the US president, Barack Obama, on the night of 24th July, right to the last day of the summit and his subsequent departure enroute to Adis Ababa, Ethiopia on Sunday 26th July, evening.

Kenyans on twitter became disgruntled accusing the media of putting too much focus on events surrounding the GES as opposed to the entrepreneurship discussions that were taking place. No holds were barred on Saturday evening as they expressed their disappointment on Twitter.

It appeared that part of the disappointment was fueled when one station stopped airing the speeches from young entrepreneurs and focus was instead shifted to the fleet of cars that were leaving the venue of the summit.

Using the hashtag #KenyanMediaFailure, Kenyans on Twitter gave their two cents for the perceived mediocrity in airing a monumental Global event. Issues that were pointed out as having gained unnecessary airtime included; the fleet of cars used by the US President, President Obama’s suit, The Airforce One airplane and where it “spent the night”, among others.

Here are some of the tweets that made the rounds under the #KenyanMediaFailure trending topic:

There were those who came out to defend the media:

There was a voice from the media as well:

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