Sometimes, you don’t always have a topic to write about or the motivation to write at all. Most people call it the writer’s block phase. This phase, when it occurs regularly, ends up becoming an excuse. Sometimes getting the right motivation to write may proof to be difficult. Sometimes you want to quit and other times, you wonder why you started blogging or writing in the first place. You really don’t want to be classified as those bloggers who begin blogs but never continue posting content continuously within a month.
Being creative is hard work. The good news is, creativity is not something that is inborn, neither is it a talent. It is a skill that can be learned, nurtured, and developed. Content on your blog doesn’t have to be perfect, just relevant to your blog niche and your overall writing goals.
Here are simple ways one could try out in order to become more creative, continue unleashing regular posts and in the end, get your blog to the level you want it to be.
Have a 10 Ideas Daily List
Making a 10 Ideas daily list ensures you always have a creative mind. This list could range from 10 blog topics to 10 things to do today. Doing this every day activates your brain muscle which needs to be exercised just like the normal body muscles. Having great ideas will definitely make your blog grow as it will always have different, interesting and unique content. This lists will help you become a better writer and one of the ways of making sure this happens is grabbing a notebook and begin listing 10 ideas down. This includes even on days you don’t want to write one. The brain muscle requires regular activity to become creative. Therefore, making a list is a must.
Watch Ted Talks or any Inspiration Content
When you feel the need to be creative but have no idea where to start, watch inspirational videos. You can find any inspirational content on the internet if you are looking for it. Ted talk is a good place to start since they focus on ideas which are sometimes random but make a difference. The key is to find ideas you can build upon. If accessing videos is a challenge, you can also read inspirational content. Remember, there is no such thing as a new idea, only new combinations of old ideas.
Allow Distractions to Interfere
Sometimes, all you need is a distraction. Distractions can help you view anything from a different perspective. ‘A distraction may provide the break you need to disengage from a fixation on the ineffective solution.’ – Shelley H. Carson (Harvard University Researcher). Distractions range from taking a walk, taking a shower, gardening to cooking. However, do not confuse this with procrastination. Do not accept distractions if you will not get back to creating content for your blog.
Physical Movements
Continuously sitting in front of a screen without a break is overwhelming. This could even kill your brain’s creative side. Physical movements like stretching, going for a walk or using the stairs instead of the lift can boost your creative output.
Go Beyond your Limits
Do not set limits for yourself, especially in your writing journey. Setting limits prevents one from discovering new and interesting ideas. Setting limits also instill fear which will harm your creativity and prevent you from achieving your goals. Continuously challenge yourself and see what restricting your mind does for you.
On the path of being a writer/blogger, creating new content should not be viewed as a difficult task. Learn more ways on how to be more creative here.