Written by Florence Nthamba
Starting a blog is a journey. It’s finding yourself along the way as you discover new things while learning your way around it. However, there are a few things to look out for while you want to start blogging the right way.
Choose what you are good at centered on your passion
Before acquiring a blog, it is important to ask yourself what you are good at. What is that one thing that you never get bored of talking about? After establishing this, it is important to candidly sit down and think of how you can put it into writing to develop a niche for yourself.
Niche is important in blogging as it is your unique voice. Your voice is what distinguishes you from the rest of the bloggers out there. Aside from that, it ensures that you never run out of content to blog about.
Be careful when you choosing your niche. It will either build or destroy you. When you choose topics you are not enthusiastic about, they will reflect in your writing and it cost you readers and people who had the potential to be loyal blog followers.
Publish Quality Content
After deciding on what your blog is going to be all about, the next thing is coming up with quality content. One way of ensuring your content is quality, is making sure you have researched thoroughly, fact checked your content, edited any grammatical errors and provide links to your sources sites.
Connect with People
For your blog to get traffic and readership, it is important to connect with other bloggers blogging about the same things you are. Don’t perceive them as competition, rather, as a platform to learn, get new ideas and network. The internet is a huge place to accommodate every individual blogger as each one has a distinctive perspective on the topic they are blogging about.
Develop relationships with other bloggers by guest blogging for them or by inviting them to guest blog for you and also share links, tips or advice with them.
Put your content out first
Put your content out there before you think of blog designs. The truth of the matter is; in the beginning it would be hard to establish how you want your blog to look like because you have a lot to learn like web designing or some of the things you may desire may require money that you do not have to begin with.
The designing of your blog may be a hindrance in content and traffic building as it is time consuming especially when you try to figure out the blog design that appropriately suites you.
Rather than worry about everything else, concentrate on content building as other blog related things will fall into place with time.
If you have been thinking of starting a blog and you didn’t know the right way to go about it, now you do. Don’t wait any longer. Jump into the bandwagon of blogging!
This post was written by Florence Kimuyu.