Often, when people start blogs, they fizzle out and die in a couple of months. Why? They do not get enough traffic, they get discouraged and then eventually quit. And whether it’s a personal blog or a business blog, when you don’t plan, there is the risk of your blog vanishing. You probably started on a high note but somewhere along the way, you lost focus or why you created a blog in the first place. One mistake people make is thinking that just because they have started a blog, it will automatically result in good traffic. It doesn’t happen that way.
If your blog is not getting traffic, these could be the reasons why:
You have just started
If you have just started and you are wondering why your blog doesn’t have traffic, well it’s simple; you have just started! Relax. Rome was not built in a day and neither is your blog. You should be patient and persevere. Blogging is fun and engaging and if you put in the work diligently, the benefits you will reap are immensely satisfying.
You have bad headlines
Well, I can’t insist this enough. Headlines make a story, and a good story makes the blog. If your headlines suck, chances are that you blog post will probably suck too. Sometimes, you have a very good post but you have such a bad headline that people don’t bother clicking to read what you have written. Train yourself to write catchy headlines. Headlines are what seduce readers to a blogpost. If yours is not seductive enough, your post will be bypassed.
Not posting frequently enough
I don’t know about you but am not going to sit around and wait for a blogger to post when it suits them. To build a royal readership, you must post at regular intervals. Take an example of newspapers. They are printed daily come rain, come shine. The same goes for magazines. Pulse magazine will always be printed on Friday. So, should your blog. Have a clearly defined day your post will be published and you can be sure that your readers will not take their royalty elsewhere.
You do not have a niche
For a blog to succeed, you must be focused enough. This means you should write about a subject. The more direct, the better. Have a niche and market and then stick to it. If you are a food blogger, let it be only about food and so on. Niches will help create an audience who will always remain loyal.
Horrible blog design
The website design will be the first thing people will see when they visit your blog. The way people interact with your blog will determine if they will do it again. Ensure that your blog engages readers in a way they find it easy and interesting. Also, have a theme that is attractive to the eye. The default themes may not work for the type of blog you want so it is important to consider paying a web designer to customize to your specifications.
You are not engaging your readers
Your readers need to know that they can get in touch with you. As such, you should consider engaging with them. This means that every comment should be replied to. Also, you should consider commenting on other people’s posts, asking to contribute to their blog and taking advantage of their networks. If you follow someone’s blog, chances are they will follow you back and if you comment on their blog, they will do the sane on yours too.
You are not using social media tools
Once you have written your post, share it to the social media platforms. Post in on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Pinterest and so on. Distribute your content to all the platforms that could have your potential audience. Chances are that they will find your post useful and subscribe for more.
Your content is poor
You are probably lacking traffic because your content is boring. Try writing a post that the audience will find interesting and entertaining. Sometimes it’s is also useful to listen to your readers’ and write about their suggestions. Go through their comments and look for suggestions and write about them.
In conclusion, if your blog does not take off immediately, chances are you are not doing it right. But if you are, be patient. Building on your blog may take months but once it starts to take off, your efforts will be rewarding.