What do bloggers do to get people to get clicks? Well, the write catchy headlines. They write headlines that are so sexy that you find them hard to resist. Sometimes after clicking, you realize that the article was not worth the read, but hey, you have done exactly what they wanted you to do. That is just one trick bloggers have perfected.
We have also realized that there are some topics that people love reading. At least once a day when you go online, you must check some blog updates for your favourite blogs. There is a reason why you choose to follow that blog. Here are some of the topics you guys just can’t resist reading:
How to make money
We all work so that at the end of the day, we get money to sustain our lives. We do anything for money, well some more than others anyway. But, if you come across an article that shows you how to make money faster, what are the chances you would click to see it, I would say one hundred percent.
Relationship issues and drama
‘How do you know he is cheating on you?’ ‘How to light it up in the bedroom.’ These are just some of the titles we get in relationship blogs. Most of them are crap articles, sorry for saying that but we just can’t help but click on them. Of course, I want to know if he is cheating on me, who doesn’t?
Breaking news
News-hungry readers would go for breaking news. Basically, almost all of us want to know what is going on in the country and the world. Most of us have news apps in our smartphones so that we receive news as they happen.
Case studies
This is mostly used by researchers for their academic papers. But, it is usual for those who love reading about readily available statistics. Case studies help as part of the evidence. Also, it is interesting to read about case studies because the not only add to your knowledge of events and happenings, they make you look smart.
Product comparisons
Product comparisons get people into a frenzy. Guys like to know what product is better than the other and what the benefit from if they choose to use one or the other. That is why before you settle on one thing, you have to look at a variety to see which one is the most promising. You don’t want to buy something and later you find a better one at the same price, do you?
Celebrity gossip
There is a reason why the entertainment industry is sought after and will continue to be. I love celebrity gossip! I mean, don’t you? We live for these. Tell me Angelina Jolie has marriage troubles, hell yes! I want to know why. Frankly, it adds zero value to my life, but I will still crave it. It is nice to know that you are not the only one with life issues. Why else would you diligently Keep up with the Kardashians?
Food, glorious food
Now, this is a topic that I read about, probably more than all the others. Okay apart from the making money posts. As in, its food! It doesn’t get any better and food blogs never get it wrong, ever. Because recipes are personalized, no one can say that is not how it is done. Also, people, what to discover new ingredients they can try in the kitchen it makes their meals even better.
So, what do you love reading about?