Bloggers Association of Kenya – Western Chapter

BAKE (Bloggers Association of Kenya) is a body that promotes content creation on the web in Kenya and represents a group of content creators who are of Kenyan origin, descent or are based in Kenya and want to:

  • Syndicate their content
  • Network among other fellow content creators
  • Get legal and communal representation from the Bloggers Association of Kenya

BAKE (Bloggers Association of Kenya) Western Kenya Chapter was conceived last November to bring on board content creators/writers/bloggers from the Western region of Kenya, starting with Kisumu. This was in realization that there are a number of content creators from the Lake region who write good online contents and are not in the larger fold of BAKE.

At the same time, during the previous BAKE Blog Awards (2013 Kenya Blog Awards), a Kisumu based content creator by the name Daniel Ominde had his blog “ 057 Siasa ”winning in the category of the best Political Blog of the year. In this respect, BAKE Kenya realized the potential in content creation in Kisumu and environs. This led to the BAKE executives visiting the Lakeside City of Kisumu in November to brainstorm about starting a chapter for Kisumu and that will bring on board content creators from here.

A number of bloggers came to this meeting to brainstorm through.

Kisumu Bloggers Meeting

The first Kisumu (Western) Bloggers Meeting was done on Nov29, 2013 at a lounge in Kisumu. This was meant to appraise them on:

  • Introduction to BAKE
  • Formation of the Western Kenya BloggersAssociation
  • Electing chapter executives
  • Registration to BAKE
  • Benefits of joining BAKE among other things

Attendance to this meeting was 50% of the number expected, since it was the very first meeting. The bloggers present were thereafter tasked with the need of informing other bloggers in the city and environs about BAKE and the need to be part of the Western Association and registering with BAKE.

Strengthening BAKEWestern

There is need to recruit more bloggers and online content creators into the chapter and that will only be possible if the current members are active with their blogging. They eventually register with BAKE and have their sites aggregated to the BAKE website for improved visibility and reach.

There is need to improve the frequency of articles and the quality of contents created.

The executives are also looking into doing the first recruitment drive targeting bloggers in colleges/varsities, as well as those who blog for corporate. This is intended for the second month of the year.

Extension of reach to other bloggers is also underway through the various online communities available for communication in Kisumu.

All the elected executives have also registered with BAKE. So far, Kisumu Chapter has at least 5 registered blogs with BAKE; baby steps – we are getting there.

Future of BAKE Western Kenya Chapter

The local bloggers see themselves as being the authority incontent creation in this region of Kenya. This will be achieved by having writers who adhere to the laid down code of writing and professionalism expected of them by writing content for both corporate and those that inform action or policy to the local consumers. This will also be promoted by conducting localized training and coaching of upcoming content creators to beat par with the creators based in Nairobi and even Mombasa.

Kisumu being the launch pad of Western Kenya bloggers, wesee ourselves as expanding our reach to the neighboring counties andestablishing bloggers/content creators. Kisumu being the regional communications hub to the rest of Kenya from this region will provide resources to ensure this becomes a reality.

A number of local blogs have also entered the 2014 Kenya Blog Awards and we are looking for one or two wins in the various categories :).

Office Bearers

The current elected office of BAKE Western Kenya Chapter is:

  • Daniel Ominde                  Regional Executive Director
  • Jael Lieta                            Regional Director of Operations
  • Denis Nyakach                  Regional Director of Finance
You can also join our Facebook Group for past posts from the members.
This article first appeared here