Sondeka Fest: The future is in collaborations creative challenge

creative challenge

Sondeka Fest 2014 is just around the corner and the folks at Creatives have a challenge for you. It’s all about collaboration.

According to Wikipedia “Collaboration is working with each other to do a task and to achieve shared goals. It is a recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together to realize shared goals, for example, an endeavor that is creative in nature —by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus.” 

Modern day Keya, particularly Nairobi is full of instances of collaboration. There are the folks who want to move out of home but the salary from their first job can’t sustain them, so they opt to rent a house together to cut costs. There is the family where mom and dad take turns to wake up in the middle of the night ti feed the baby ensuring everyone gets to sleep and is rested.

It is with this in mind that Creatives Garage has decided to reach out to its creative community to create Sondeka Festival artworks that will be used as part of the marketing kit for Sondeka 2014. It is a call out to the members to interact more with each other and hopefully form partnerships that are beneficial to them in future.

For this challenge, one can choose a monument, a town in Kenya, a gadget, a fashion piece, a house or whatever reminds you of our beautiful country and show what you think you would like to see in the years to come.  The artworks must represent how they imagine the future and could be in form of paintings, animations, posters, fliers, banners and merchandise

You can submit more than one piece. Submissions are to be made on the Sondeka Fest Facebook page.

Winners stand to walk away with Kshs. 5,00 and 2 season pass tickets to Sondeka.

This call will run from 10th June to 20th July 2014. All presentations will be showcased at the official Sondeka 2014 launch which is set to happen on 31st July 2014 as well as at the Festival.