Meet Doreen Oyunge the healthcare worker who blogs to counter misinformation and tell her side of the story

Healthcare practitioners face alot and one of the most irritating issues that drains them is misinformation that keeps rearing its head over and over again. Doreen Oyunge has decided to take on this vice head-on while also telling her side of the story. She tells us more…

1. A brief profile about myself

First and very important, I am a village girl; which makes me proud of my (small) voice as a writer and the few lives I touch and change as both a writer and a doctor.

2. Something interesting about myself

I argue better in writing than in spoken word

3.What inspired me into blogging;

Apart from being able to express myself in a better way, writing as a form of art has the ability to influence and change lives in the process. I started writing in my second year of campus. I used to write down flashbacks, thoughts, and ideas. I wrote my first blog in year three of campus. I transitioned to health blogging as a way to educate the public about health care.

4.The name of my platform

I mainly blog at, but I have guest blogged for (I am about to brag); Bikozulu, the Magunga, Kachawanya, and Nyanchwani.

5.Why did I choose the influencer route?

I am not sure I can call myself I am an influencer but to answer this; I write to tell my own side of the story especially as a health care worker. There is too much misinformation out there. So I am telling my own side of the story.

6. Accomplishments I am proud of

Finishing medical school

7.What would you tell 13 –year-old you?

The most important person is YOU.  Do not be afraid of disappointing anyone else except YOU.

8.Three words to describe myself




9.If I could travel time, where could I go to?

Back to nursery school with this voice I have acquired now and stand up to bullies.

10.Weirdest food combinations I have tried

Honestly? I am conservative when it comes to food but in campus, we used to eat whatever was available so I have had tea and leftover ugali, rice and Sukuma wiki, ugali, and beans (or was I supposed to just list one?)

11.If I wasn’t a blogger what would I do?

I am a doctor and a struggling farmer by day. I blog to relieve stress, and to educate the public. But then I am grateful for all the doors that blogging has opened for me; the networking is great and I wouldn’t trade anything for that.

12.My favourite gigs

I once wrote a piece on Dr. Catherine Nyongesa of Texas Cancer Centre. That was my first paid-up gig.

My proudest writing gig was a tribute to a patient who had died of a connective tissue disease; lupus. I wrote the article for Sheblossoms to raise awareness for lupus. My other favourite piece was my famous Letter from unemployed doctor”. It really went viral

13.The most difficult thing I have ever had to do

Pronouncing my friend dead. We had worked together on a Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning she was admitted, Monday morning I found her in the ward dying. I have never forgotten the dress she was wearing when I pulled a white sheet over her head.

14.Any challenges that had me quit

Dating the wrong person, a narcissist. That was hell, but then I didn’t quit. I just slowed down, re-grouped, picked my pieces, looked shame in the eye and went on.

15.Anything new-

I am writing a book and hopefully, it comes out soon.

16.The most influential person in my life

My father.

17.What else I do besides blogging-

I am a doctor and a struggling farmer (hehe) and I read books

18.Best piece of advice I have received

Life is not a competition. Our destinations are different so quit comparing your journey with that of others.

19.Where do you see yourself in five years?

I hope I will have had enough courage to make more mistakes, have a book out there, and hopefully in the right path in my career.

20.What is your favorite quote/mantra

Always do your best and some more.

21.If you were a superhero who would you be?

I would be; Wonder woman (of course)

22.Lessons from 2020, 2021

The greatest constant in life is change; good health is the best gift of life

23.What is your greatest achievement?

Finishing medical school; medical school is no joke and I will be forever proud of myself for being the girl who went from a village school to medical school.

24.Changes from my blogosphere now and when I started

 I started with writing general stories but now I concentrate on health issues. I have also become more confident in writing and the stories/articles are more educative

25.Advice to a budding blogger

You first write for yourself, also remember to be relevant and write consistently, the money may or may not come, either way, you will be happy.