Alison Kiriinya is a firm believer in building quality relationships. Relationships with oneself, others and most importantly, with God. Over the years she has learnt that her relationships and how she handles them are a reflection of what is in her heart. And thus, her blog, The Relationship Mirror was born. A blog that talks about her relationship with God, a relationship which gives her hope.
She hopes that with the words she shares from her heart, she will inspire and encourage someone out there to step out in confidence and live a full life even in the midst of challenges. We asked her a few questions and this is what she had to say.
Give us a brief profile of yourself.
My name is Alison Kiriinya. I am a wife and a mother of 2, a Christian blogger and a freelance music teacher.
Share something interesting about yourself.
I am terrible at remembering faces. I can meet someone one day and the next time I meet them I have no idea who they are. It gets quite embarrassing.
What attracted/ inspired you into blogging?
I used to write short inspirational posts on my Facebook timeline and people responded positively to them. I also love writing and inspiring people, so a blog was ideal – a place where my readers could go back and refer to articles they read in the past.
Oh – and I also heard that blogging pays 😉
Why the name Relationship Mirror for your blog?
Relationships are what make us who we are, and affect us both positively and negatively. That’s where the mirror comes in. If we mirror our relationships against God, we understand what the perfect standard for relationships is – a relationship with God. The more we learn about God, the better our relationships with each other will be!
What accomplishments are you proud of most?
Being nominated for a BAKE award twice, and coming 2nd after the first nomination. It was exciting and humbling to know that my readers loved my content enough to vote for me.
You have written numerous articles about raising a special needs child. How has this experience shaped your life and your relationship with God?
This experience has both shaken me and built me up. Shaken me in the sense that my faith in God has been tested greatly. Built me up in the sense that I have learnt to trust God for absolutely everything. I share this experience to encourage people out there who feel they are faced with impossible situations, to remind them to trust in God because He always has their backs.
If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Loyal. Truthful. Trustworthy
What is your fav food, song, book, movie?
Food – Anything to do with chicken and eggs. Song – So will I by Hillsong. Book – The Bible. Movie – I hardly watch movies
If you could time travel, where would you go?
Persia during the reign of Queen Esther.
What is the weirdest food combination you have ever tied?
Smoked pig and yams cooked underground in an oven made of leaves
If you were not a blogger, what would you be instead? Do you have a day job?
If I was not a blogger, I would do social media marketing or church volunteer work. My day job is freelance music teaching.
Of all the posts you have ever written, which one is your favourite? Why?
2018 – The Year of Lessons ( ). In this post, I wrote about my first nine months as an autism parent and what God had taught me. I wrote that post from a place of pain, as I was still going through the acceptance stage. To date, I still find it hard to read through that post.
What scares you most about the future?
What will happen to my son when my husband and I are no longer there to take care of him.
Any interesting hobbies, obsessions?
I love walking! I also love wandering around malls looking at nothing in particular. I used to do tapestry when I was younger.
What is that something you wish you could do every day?
Go to a mall, wander around, visit all the bookshops then sit down to have coffee and cake!
What is the most difficult thing you have ever had to do?
Taking my son for his first disability assessment. That was hard!
Is there a quote/mantra you live by?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make all your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Listen to God. He is always speaking. I just need to listen.
Alison Kiriinya is the embodiment of courage, strength and faith. Head over to her blog The Relationship Mirror and read her words of wisdom and encouragement. You can also interact with her online on @AlisonKiriinya on Twitter and The relationship Mirror on Facebook.
Image provided by Alison Kiriinya.