Innovative technologists, influential minds and passionate activists will gather at the renowned Strathmore Business School (SBS) on September 24, 2013...
Nairobi, 26th June, 2012m – Mike Kivuva, Andrew Mutua and Jotham Nguri, are the three winners of “Nokia Hack” the...
Nairobi, Wednesday 27 June 2012 The Global Voices Summit 2012 is a public event taking place on 2-3 July, 2012...
The rise of the creative economy is an emerging concept in the country and the world globally. This industry deals...
Something unusual is happening in malls around Nairobi! Power Vibes Studio, specializing in weight-loss programmes, has recently opened its doors...
Tuesday February 11, 2014. The Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) has today announced the extension of the submission phase for the...
We are happy to announce that integrated telecommunications service provider Orange has confirmed its sponsorship of the BAKE Kenyan Blog...
Today being the 2nd of March, we know that you are all waiting expectantly to know the nominated blogs that...
Creatives Garage is a cultural organization and hub for artists and innovators that allows them to express themselves, network and...
Nairobi Kenya, June 2012… Distell, a leading producer of spirits, fine wines, ciders and ready-to-drinks and an active player on...